How To Install XAPK, APKS

To install games or apps with XAPK or APKS file format on Android, You can use ZArchiver application.

Download and install ZArchiver

  1. Download ZArchiver from Google Play Store: Here
  2. Download ZArchiver from AppVipo: Here

Steps to install XAPK, APKS using ZArchiver

Step 1: Open ZArchiver.

Step 2: Find the folder containing the XAPK or APKS file.

Step 3: Click on the XAPK/APKS file to display the options menu and Select “Install“.

Step 4: Proceed to install XAPK/APKS according to the instructions on the phone screen.

Complete the installation and launch app

  • After completing the above steps, the application or game is ready to run.
  • Open the application from the home screen and experience it.

Note that, if there is a request for permission to install from unknown sources, enable this option in the security settings of your device.