NameWynk Music
CategoryMusic & Audio
Size55.51 MB
OS SuportAndroid 7.0 and up
MOD FeaturesAPK Only
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Wynk Music is a popular online music mobile application, developed by Airtel, and has become an indispensable part of the musical lives of many people in South Asian countries, especially is India.

This application gives users the ability to enjoy thousands of popular and newest songs in high quality completely for free. No matter what genre of music you love, Wynk Music always has the right tunes for you to enjoy.

Enter the world of music with Wynk Music, and you’ll be blown away by an expansive library of over 24 million songs, including the latest Bollywood hits, international chart-toppers, and classics. timeless classic. Whether it is Punjabi tunes, Hip Hop, K-Pop or Devotional songs, this app offers great sound quality and rich variety.

Wynk Music lets you enjoy streaming music in high quality. Rich playlists like Lo-Fi, Retro, Love Songs and more make it easy to find your favorite songs. You can enjoy the latest tracks like “Mirza” from Maidaan or hits from the movie Dunki, or revisit your favorite tunes.

One of the attractive features of Wynk Music is the ability to download and listen to music offline. Now you can download the latest songs as well as classic hits and enjoy them anytime without an internet connection. The ability to create personal playlists with ‘My Music’ helps you organize and manage songs according to personal preferences.

In addition to music, Wynk also offers a rich treasure of podcasts, from entertainment to storytelling, enhancing your listening experience with a variety of engaging audio content. In particular, the feature to set your favorite songs as Hellotunes allows you to personalize the caller’s melody from the application’s diverse music collection, from the latest hits to favorite regional tunes.

With Wynk Music, you can discover songs from your favorite artists like Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, BTS and many more. The app also provides Bollywood music from famous artists like Arijit Singh, Lata Mangeshkar, Kishore Kumar, helping you stay updated with new tunes and recall your favorite music.

Wynk Music also offers many exciting new features such as the ability to cut and set ringtones from your favorite part of any song, helping you personalize your phone in your own way. The commenting feature allows you to share your thoughts on tracks, connect with other music lovers, and participate in a dynamic music community.

Upgrade to Wynk Music Premium version to experience ad-free music, unlimited music downloads, and unlimited Hellotune changes. In particular, you will receive the first month for free when you sign up for Wynk Music Premium, helping you discover more great features.

Download the Wynk Music app now to start your music journey. With new music added daily and endless possibilities for discovery, Wynk Music offers a rich and diverse world of music, ready for you to explore and enjoy. Let music guide you and enrich your life with Wynk Music!

Change logs:

  • September 24, 2024: Added Wynk Music version.
  • September 3, 2024: Added Wynk Music version.
  • August 24, 2024: Added Wynk Music version.
  • August 23, 2024: Added Wynk Music version.
  • August 19, 2024: Added Wynk Music version.
  • July 13, 2024: Added Wynk Music version.
  • July 6, 2024: Added Wynk Music version.
  • July 2, 2024: Added Wynk Music version.

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